Paper instructions :

  • Articles submitted must be written in English and must be in Word format;
  • Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished work not currently submitted for review elsewhere. Manuscripts should be 12-15 pages in length, including figures, tables, and references, using the Springer, click-here.

Guideline for authors:

  • The lead author's name (co-authors if available), affiliation, contact email are both on the platform and your abstract or working paper;
  • The abstract or paper must be attached to the platform following the conference templates using the Springer template, click-here;
  • Choose your participation type Oral or Poster as well as the participation mode;
  • The first author must be the speaker who will present the work, the certificate of publication will bear his name as the principal author, the other members of the research team will be there but only as co-authors;
  • The corresponding author is the one who is responsible for updating the work and keeping the other members informed if he is the speaker, he will get a certificate of publication otherwise he will be considered as co-author;
  • The speaker or first or lead author can have 1 publication at the conference registration fee, but if he/she submits more than 1 publication and all his/her work has been selected by the scientific committee, please remember that we are talking about the Speaker or first or lead author;
  • Co-authors only have to pay once for access to the conference and have unlimited seats as co-authors, if they have a job as a keynote speaker, they are still covered with the one exception listed above;
  • Exceptionally, if the lead author/speaker could not attend in person, he/she must inform the committee before the last day of the conference and the certificate will automatically pass to whoever presents the work at the conference, absentees and other team members are considered co-authors or to pass to the virtual all available this year;
  • Certificate of attendance is issued to all attending members, lead authors/speakers have an additional oral/poster certification, co-authors always have their names under the lead author/speaker;
  • One copy of each certificate is issued, so co-authors should print their own copies as needed.
