AXIS 1: Educational engineering and e-learning

- Educational engineering and design; 
- E-Learning;
- Didactic and Pedagogical Innovation; 
- Innovative pedagogical approaches and teaching practices;
- Digital education and entrepreneurship support;
- Evaluative practices in distance learning; 
- Digital platforms and language teaching;
- Teaching soft-skills in the digital challenge;
- Adult and digital training.

AXIS 2 : Technologies in e-Learning

- Artificial Intelligence;
- Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality;
- Machine Learning;
- Intelligent tutorial systems /computer-assisted instruction;
- E-learning/Blended Learning;
- Tutorial and social software for education and learning networks (ENT/LMS);
- Seriousgame;
- Game-based learning pedagogy;
- Mobile learning technology (m-Learning);
- Collaborative learning;
- Cloud Intelligence for Education;
- Innovative technologies for intelligent teaching and learning;
- Best practices and case studies on smart teaching and learning.

AXIS 3: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

- Metadata analysis;
- Big Data Analytics applied to Smart Cities;
- Data mining, graph mining and data science;
- Hardware/software infrastructure for Big Data;
- Data mining and machine learning;
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science;
- Information and Knowledge Management;
- Social Web Analytics and Natural Language Processing;
- Cloud computing and service data analytics;
- Data warehousing, cloud architectures;
- Data in education and e-learning.
